Water quality monitoring is the primary concern of much due diligence, site investigations, regulatory compliance, and remediation. The key to success of any compliance program is developing and maintaining a good working knowledge of the project and regulations governing it.  More important, however, is the groundwork before a piece of data has been collected. Decisions regarding which components of the project to highlight, how to collect supporting data, identifying a strategic application process, appropriate and effective mitigation, and attention to procedural detail are critical. EcoReliant’s field services team monitors water quality for the private and public sector, emphasizing the collection of defensible high quality data.

The Clean Water Act’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program regulates point sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States. Compliance monitoring under the NPDES Program encompasses a range of techniques, from Discharge Monitoring Report reviews, to on-site compliance evaluation as well as providing assistance to enhance compliance with NPDES permits.  The objective is to address the most significant problems and to promote compliance among the regulated community. The NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual provides information on how compliance inspections are conducted.

If you have any questions concerning monitoring and compliance needs for your projets, please call us now at 859.813.2699 or Email Us.